Being for the benefit of miss Loretta.

Hello, handsome single gentleman. This is I, miss Loretta Rivera's common sense. I address to you, just to give you a quick tip about getting it going with my owner.

She's a fucking idiot. Honestly.

She won't EVER have a single clue about your interest on her. It won't even cross her mind because she is a complete moron.

If you ever feel the slight intention to approach her in a romantic way, please, feel free to direct this exact words to her:

“Young lady, I want to let you know that I am ATTRACTED TO YOU AND THAT I LIKE YOU BECAUSE OF REASONS. THIS IS ME HITTING ON YOU. You are a nice human and I would be interested in being your human-partner-thingy.”

That will give this dumb fuck a clue.
—LorettaRm's common sense.