No, I'm not protein deficient.

Hi, my name is Loretta and today, a year ago, I took one of the best choices of my life: I went vegan.

Yes, I'm vegan. No, I don't eat fish. It's okay if you feel like you could never do that, it's my choice, not yours. Yes, my protein and vitamin intake are great, so are my omegas. 

I took that decision on my own and have struggled but now, after a year of ups and downs and learning and studying an practicing, I'm in love with this lifestyle.

Living in a small town, with very little food choices I did have lots of issues eating out and living with my old-fashioned grandparents and mother, but now that I'm living in a bigger city, with awesome little vegan and organic local shops and really supporting boyfriend and friends, lovely chances and restaurants that have tofu an veggies on their menus—I still don't know who to thank!—, I've come to grow a bit and choose more efficiently.

Maybe it's a vegan thing to learn to love peanut butter, potato fries or mangoes in the morning, soy milk in peppermint tea and tangerines by the dozen. To have a smile on your face every time you cook a meal. To nourish your soul with every bite. To love life in all forms, to feel healthy every night.

Don't get me wrong, I know I'm not perfect; I do drink often and pig out on caramelized popcorn and vegan muffins, but I'm human and stupid and enjoy my binges here and there.

Maybe this is a little too personal, but this is the only place I feel free to burst out with honesty and to share my feelings. 
I'm happy, guys. I feel proud about myself. I worked hard for this and I know that it's a great choice. I get mocked quite often about it, I'm used to that by now—not that I don't wish it didn't happen, don't get me wrong: I have feelings too—, but everyone gets mocked for not following the predesigned path. 

Today I felt like sharing this little sunshine with all of you. I'm really happy and I do hope you are as well. This lifestyle has changed me for good. I wouldn't push anyone into it, that's the fun part: you choose it, it chooses you, no one has rights over your body and you are the only one who decides what to put into it to feel great. I recommend it thoroughly and encourage anyone that chooses to feel healthier and help save the planet—which I do believe in, even if you think it's silly—.

Leonardo Da'Vinci once said “My body will not be a tomb for other creatures.” And that's just one of my favorite quotes ever.

So, without further blabbering, I'll leave some sources for you to check if you're interested or don't know where to begin or wish to mock me for not eating your favorite goodies, feel free to leave me a comment here or anywhere, I'd love to help, I mean it!

I hope whatever you choose to do—Or not to do—, makes you feel great and most of all, makes you happy, complete and in love with life, because it is beautiful.
So very beautiful.


Useful Sources:

-If Slaughterhouses Has Glass Walls [This one requires a slightly stronger stomach].

-Skinny Bitch.
-How It All Vegan.
-Veganomicon: The Ultimate Vegan Cookbook

-Vegan Black Metal Chef. [My boyfriend is an omnivore and LOVES this guy].
-Fully Raw Christina. [If you go that extra step you are a hardcore one and I respect you so much].