You deserve the love you give.
Open-armed, any moment of the day, acts of service, thoughtful gifts, words of affirmation love that showers you in it daily.
You deserve to be woken up to a lovely day. Mapped out specifically for you. Taken into consideration for plans and outings. To be surprised and incorporated into the routines that you want.
The kind of love that is honest. That doesn't hide. The one that is proud of having you around and feels lucky to be counted into your adventure of a life.
I don't like to see you beg for scraps. For seconds in a minute. To put yourself down if someone isn't pleased by all that you are. You don't deserve a half-assed kind of love. Nobody does, but specially not you.
In a world where you give every bit of you to the one you love, not expecting anything in return... it's kind of good manners to return the love you are receiving. We weren't raised in barns.
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