Day 2. On taking a class.

Today I went for a free class of a thing that’s a mixture between pilates and ballet. I left there with my legs shaking, my calves burning and a certain knowledge that I could never afford going to this kind of places regularly.
The one thing I notice about these clases is how easily I could do them by myself at home. All the yoga I’ve ever done I’ve done it following instructions and watching YouTube videos, yet the feeling of going to the place and being among others with the sole purpose of finishing a routine has in itself the purpose. I think it must be the peer pressure of the class encouraging you to finish something through that keeps people paying. They pay not to be guided through the movement or taught how to do the thing, but to be encouraged by strangers judging you.
I don’t think I personally need this motivation to work out, but it’s interesting how having a very good looking woman yell “YOU CAN DO IT” at me while holding the most painful wall sit with raised calves can make me hold for 30 more seconds.
I’m doing an experiment and taking some free classes this week and see if they actually motivate me more than the youtube people.

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