Oh, flowing words.
Publicado por Loretta R. M. en 10:23
I finished reading my grandma's book
but I'm not returning it until I see her again.
She's getting old. She's growing weak.
I always thought of my grandma as a strong sturdy lady
who would live until she was 106 like her mom.
But she's gotten soft since my grandpa died in 2014.
She really held it together for him
I guess there's no use anymore.
She's still the Chanel Lady who gets her expensive swimsuit from Sunset Boulevard and gambles at Vegas and gets lost in hotel lobbys, drunk from her 3 escochansodas.
She's still the woman who grew up in a little ranch and truly believed she would marry her thief neighbor.
My grandma is one of a kind.
But I see her getting tired walking on the beach.
I see her struggling with her lungs and her sickness.
I'm not sure how I'd handle it if...
I can't even type it.
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Datos personales

- Loretta R. M.
- Tomo mucho café y no consumo alimentos de origen animal. Sí me gustan las aceitunas.
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