Oh, flowing words.
So this year I couldn't finish the BEDIA on time.
As I do. As I have. I mostly got mad at myself, that I couldn't.
I felt negligent, an as if I was letting you girls down for not finishing.
I mostly felt bad for not writing this one. As months -and situations- have happened, the feeling that I didn't write this one just fucking haunts me constantly.
So here it goes.
July, 27th.
On Miriam.
When I needed someone the most, there was you.
There was you with your knowing eyes and your understanding smile and your willingness to give and help and save. You told me a hundred times that that's the thing with me, people feel like they want to "save me". People do this. It's you, baby, it's you who felt like saving me. And you did, you absolutely did.
I have felt a million times that what I do to return this love that you have given me is never enough. I feel like you deserve a million things more. If I could build you a house, on top of a hill, where you can watch the rain and play guitar and have the perfect cold Toluca weather and Guamuchil sunsets and summer rainshowers I would. If I could make it rain for you I would. If I could apparate I would do it all the fucking time, because I never get tired of being with you.
How can I thank you for holding me as I had to fight the urge to just die already and how you helped me see that it was getting better. Someday it was. It did.
We have memories we don't mention. We have secrets we share quietly. I want you to know that I know. I love you so much.
So when you read this, I'm so fucking sorry for writing it sooner.
I know I should have.
I didn't write about the vegetables either. It was not that I didn't want to, it was just that I got stuck halfway.
I love you with my life, you life-saving, book-sharing, nirvana-playing, christmas carol-singer, potato casserole-baking, whiskey-pouring, secret-keeping, story-telling, hand-holding, life-changing, you.
You're my best friend. You're amazing and you light up my life. I love spending time with you, despite you never wanting me to pay for shit, you proud fucker. Let me pay for thiiiiiings. Ugh.
So when you get better, you're sucking it up and I'm going to splurge, we're airbnbing or something somewhere, just the four of us and having a good ol jolly time somewhere new.
Tu hippie.
I'm writing from a place in the future where I don't finish things in time and where I'm still inside.
I've always been a homebody. I like inside. I like my house though I hate my house because it doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing as I would like. It never does. It's never how I picture it. It always has all this wasted potential. Despite this, I like my places.
I like having my little nooks and crannys where I can feel safe. Where I can sleep and read and miss other things. On behalf of my spaces, I try to make them comfortable. Places I don't mind.
In this time that we've had inside I have stared at corners picturing what can I do that costs no money and doesn't involve leaving the house.
If I had unlimitted resources I would spend them all on the house and it still wouldn't be quite right.
I like inside, though.
A playlist doesn't need an order if a playlist is meant to set a mood.
Yo hago muchas playlists, y todas y cada una de las playlists que hago están diseñadas para escuchar en shuffle. Mis playlist para correr tienen diferentes moods, pero todas las puedes poner en shuffle y te van a llevar al mismo lugar. Una emoción mientras corres.
Now, I know that serious playlist creators would find this absolutle ludicrous, foolish, unreasonable, out of place and of mind. Pero creo que el propósito de un playlist dedicado es sorprender. Es no saber qué esperar. Es no ver la lista, no saber qué sigue, no saber qué pusimos ahí.
So please play this, listen, and try to understand a meaning beyond.
And please. For the love of music. Shuffle it.
I made this for you.
He estado teniendo el mismo sueño.
En el sueño estoy haciendo cosas de la vida en la casa. Estoy cocinando. Estoy en mi cama. Y de repente, tengo una clase en zoom que dar y no he entrado a mi sala de conferencias y tengo diez llamadas perdidas, todos mis alumnos de la vida me están esperando ahí, tomo mi ipad para entrar a mi clase y cuando empieza a mostrar mi cámara, no traigo blusa y estoy desnuda frente a 30 adolescentes.
This is the new pantsless at school dream.
Post Ilustrado.
My parents were both too much.
Too young, too crazy, too high.
Too wrong to be together.
My dad left too fast. It was all fast with him, I don't think he had much choice.

My dad was the youngest out of 8. The 7th son. The last one. The one that shouldn't have. My dad was born the last one of a generation of baby boomers who were very well defined.
My dad got cancer.

He said he used to go monthly and play with toys that hadn't come out to the public yet, they had them in a big blue closet and he would play with different kids every month, kids he only ever saw once and never again.
My dad grew up deeply influenced by his siblings. He used to love them so much, in such a special way. He talked about how big and good my tío Alberto was. He loved my tío Tomás' dedication to his work, his health and his fitness, he used to joke about getting so buffed probably radioactive mosquitoes had bitten his biceps. He had a great relationship with my tío José, he would listen, he would go to his house and sit by his kitchen island and pay attention. He liked my tío Paco a whole lot, he used to talk about his hippie brother who knew music and started speaking spanish funny when he moved to Milwaukee. He worked well with my tío Alfonso, he used to admire his dedication and how precise he could be, he talked about his trips and he listened, he used to say his brother was mexican Tom Cruise, but smarter. He liked my tío Noé, he used to tell me that he ran too far away from his pack, that he was very different but how much he owed him and how good he was to him, I will forever be greatful. Despite everything, I can hold no resentment for the help he have my dad. I think my tía Cata he loved best, though. He used to email his sister often. He used to tell me of how smart and bright she was, so independent, so self sufficient, so kind.
He grabbed a little something from each of them to form himself. A little musical taste, a little fight, a little interest, he wanted to be like them but he was too much himself.
4. My dad met my mom and it's exactly like that phrase, when an unstoppable force meets an unmovable object. They fought a lot. They were too wild. They wanted their way too much and there were too many drugs in the mix. I don't like to picture my parents together. I liked them better apart, I think. They hurt each other so much and I was too little to understand how it had to be. I remember crashing of plates. I remember the sudden moving outs. Multiple. I remember the yelling and the fighting. And yet, somehow, in that toxic relationship of them. My dad loved my mother so much. His last day alive I was so angry at her for not being there. For having taken off to the dunes with who knows who to do temazcales and drugs and stare at the fucking desert instead of taking care of my dying father like I was. And then, she showed up. And his eyes lit up. And he smiled so kindly. He loved her until his last moment and if that man could hold no resentments as he died, I guess I cannot either.
5. My father grew up in a family that hit.
All his siblings were feisty and violent. Loving martial arts, having Bruce Lee in an altar, so high in a pedestal of perfection. My grandparents hit them hard. My uncles raised my cousins with violence. I've been told countless times how they were all hit and beaten. With hands, with objects.
My father never hit me. My father had this stern look and raised his voice hard enough to scare me away from missbehaving. He never laid a finger on me that wasn't there to hug me. My father was completely oblivious to how to parent a little girl. He just winged it most of the time. He used to take me everywhere and tell me everything and hated lies so much. He didn't hide things, he was honest and good to me. I am aware, that he was not the same way to my mother, and I have created this images in my head that aren't all nice. I'm somewhat glad I never got to meet him in a bad light, though. Not with me. Not to me.
I never know how to finish my mental talks about and with my father. It's just like his life I guess. My thoughts tend to come fast and end too abruptly.
Algo que me pasó.
Cuando recién nos fuimos a vivir a Guamúchil, mi mamá y yo nos regresábamos los fines de semana a casa de mis abuelos en Angostura. El recorrido de Gml a Ang es corto, de unos 25min si vas a una velocidad NORMAL PARA UN CARRO, porque hay raza que hace 10min. No lo haga, compa.
Antes de entrar a Angostura pasas por un poblado que se llama Alhuey.
En Alhuey hay una cacahuatera y está la Iglesia en donde está enterrada mi tatarabuela, la mamá de mi bisabuela y que la enterraron en las gradas que están afuera de la iglesia (esta es una historia que cuenta mi abuela CADA VEZ que pasamos por ahí, me siento obligada a compartírselas también).
Una noche de viernes (porque mi madrecita salía de trabajar a las 7 p.m.), agarramos nuestras chunches, nuestras dos canastas de ropa sucia porque #womenin2007 #layers y nos fuimos a casa de los abuelos.
Pasando la iglesia de Alhuey, a veces se pone gente que está esperando quién le lleve a Angostura o a algún poblado. Los jaikers, les decía mi abuelo, y en contra de los deseos de mi abuela, siempre les daba raite.
Mi mamá, poseída por el espíritu aventurero de la bipolaridad, subió a una señora.
I was SURE this lady was a dead ghost.
No hablaba ni decía nada, estaba completamente callada y en cuanto llegamos al MZ de Angostura, la señora le hizo entender a mi mamá que hasta ahí iba, y se bajó.
Cuando llegamos a casa de mis abuelos, mi mamá les contó y resultó que mi abuela conocía a la señora, que era abuelita de un morro que después iría en la prepa conmigo y que la señora tenía demencia, se salía de su casa, y que siempre la tenían que salir a buscar.
So we helped a lady runaway that day.
Algo que me pasó.
Hace unos cuatro años Héctor y yo decidimos no abrir Vegan House un día. Era cuando sólo estábamos los sábados y no teníamos pedidos hechos, la verdad no era la mejor semana, así que cancelamos, posteamos y no abrimos.
We had a date.
Nos levantamos tarde, nos arreglamos y nos fuimos a pasear.
Para esto, Héctor casi nunca quiere pasear porque odia estacionarse en el centro de la ciudad. I mean, sí es una putiza, pero no tanta, nomás el morro es bien dramático. Decidimos que era buen día para pasear en camión y no tener preocupaciones de estacionamiento.
Nos fuimos, escuchamos música en nuestro socket doble para audífonos, nos bajamos por la librería, me dejó ver los libros que no pensaba comprar, fuimos a comer y por café, y luego fuimos por una nieve.
La calle estaba completamente vacía, casi cerrada. Estábamos paseando por la Obregón sin un solo carro. Nos sentíamos muy poderosos, brazo con brazo, comiendo nieve y caminando por la calle principal vacía. Era un gran día.
Entonces vimos un gran tumulto enfrente de la Catedral. Muchísima gente como para un sábado a las 5. Y Héctor como Licenciado en El Chisme que es NECESITABA ver qué estaba pasando, so we checked it out.
And long and behold, there was a huuuuge wedding, HUGE, hundreds of people inside the church, y todos estaban saliendo y haciendo bola afuera de la iglesia. Yo como super pequeñina me empecé a perder entre la gente y choqué con un señor muy muy alto. Volteé para pedirle disculpas y holyshit, era Vicente Fox. Me dijo que no había problema
Y así fue como conocimos a Vicente Fox Quesada.
Culiacán, Pueblo Mágico.
I hear you.
Coffee is bad for me.
I't bad for my bones, bad for my teeth,
I shouldn't drink as much coffee as I do.
I hear you.
And yet coffee is what wakes me
what brings me home
what pulls me, Looney-Tune-style
through the air with a vapor cloud
in the shape of hand toward a cup
steaming, not bubbling,
into a dark reflection of myself.
Coffee brings me to my family
sits me around a table and lets me talk
buzzes my brain into story mode
allows me to warm my hands and my heart
to open up to you.
It's bad for me
but isn't everything?
Isn't life?
Aren't the uncomfortable moments around that same table
empty cups
non existant
when the conversation is dark
when it's scary?
How does anyone fix that ice cold moment?
How do you swallow that conversation?
You pour a cup of coffee
for everyone around.
Una Lira.
La lira es una categoría de poesía que se utilizó mucho en el renacimiento italiano. A España se cree que la llevó Garcilaso de la Vega en 1532, pero la utilizó mucho más Fray Luis de León.
La lira es un poema que consta de cinco versos, tres de ellos heptasílabos, y dos endecasílabos, con métrica ABAAB, silabicamente en 7, 11, 7, 7, 11.
This is me, attempting to use my unfinished carreer.
En medio de mi casa,
espero paciente que algo pase
la vida que me cansa
la consciencia abrasa
las noticias invitan a tardarse.
¿Qué algo esperado
puede a mí traerme el consuelo?
mi andar desvelado
novio preocupado
y a mí, añorando ver el cielo.
Extraño tanto verte
y cuando correr me daba libertad,
me toca ser más fuerte
y enorgullecerte
después de soportar la pasividad.
Things I never told you.
I never told you how much I admire you.
I feel ridiculously dumb sometimes. Unable to learn, to accomplish.
I feel like I know nothing, that I'm always pretending, aiming to be nearly as smart
as the people I surround myself with. I see you, understanding beyond yourselves,
exploring into worlds of true knowledge that I cannot fathom.
I never told you that I always wanted to be more like you.
I loved you when I was little and I saw you as everything I wanted to be:
pretty, funny, talented, social, surrounded by friends always, charming, nice to us all.
I wished I lived in your big house with your trampoline and your siblings,
that my kitchen had a big island with a dishwasher and drinking water,
that my fridge and pantry were suprisingly always stocked with snacks,
that I owned 10,000 VCRs and knew every line from every movie.
I'm sorry I didn't see beyond that.
I never thanked you for being there.
We never talked about it. how I fell asleep on your shoulder or your lap
how you would shoo away people so they didn't wake me
how much care you gave me when I needed it
secretly, between you and I, you saved me a little every morning.
You walked me home and dyed my hair blue
you shared silly things and we took funny pictures
and you knew all along but you knew better that to ask.
I feel so many things
left unsaid
I'm so sorry.
I'm not going to keep anything in anymore.
*Audible sigh*
Mi puto electrodoméstico favorito.
Cuando tenía 15 mi cafetera se descompuso.
Era blanca y hacía un desmadre de agua y café por toda la mesa de la sala de la casa de Guamuchil. Mi mamá descubrió que las cafeteras se lavaban ya entrados los tres años de uso diario, y mi abuela se compadeció de nosotras y nos regaló la suya. Obvio ella se compró una preciosa y futurista, pero la de ella (comprada en Calexico en el 2006) nos funcionaría bien.
Mi cosa favorita de esa cafetera era que se programaba.
Me empecé a despertar con el olor a café recién hecho, que hasta la fecha es mi forma favorita de despertar.
Esa cafetera nos duró del 2010 al 2013, y a mí me duró hasta el 2019 que ya estaba viviendo acá, en mi cuarta casa de adulto®️ Independiente.
La cafetera un día tronó. Ya no sirvió más.
El reloj tenía ya unos dos años sin servir, y la programada tenía que ser contando y tanteando. El botón de la derecha es la hora, si son las 4:37 p.m. le pico dieciséis veces y treinta y siete al chiquito, le suelto y presiono el botón de programar y cuento cinco horas y cincuenta minutos y ya quedó.
Me compré otra a 6 días de la quincena y no pude invertir lo que me hubiera gustado. No, no podía esperarme los 6 días de Amazon para tener cafetera. No, no tengo la energía para hacerme french presses y mokas a las cinco de la mañana para irme a dar clases hasta las 2:30.
Me compré una normal. A single button. On/Off.
La otra cafetera le sirvió café obligado a todos.
A Mali, Miriam, Ana Laura, a Esther, a Katia, a Efren, a cada invitado incidental al sitcom que era mi casa en esos años. A mis abuelos. Al morro que se durmió afuera de mi casa “para verme”, a los tres morros que me hicieron ojitos y a mi mamá en sus momentos más feos.
La cafetera se murió. Ya no se puede programar el café.
Bueno, sí.
A Héctor le regalé un Google Home en navidad.
Ahora la podemos programar con el celular, o diciéndole a google que la prenda a tal hora, que me ponga Three Little Birds en la mañana. Que me lea las noticias. Que prenda las luces despacito.
Que me despierte a tal hora, que ponga white noise para dormir.
Me enamoré de tus palabras,
de tus talentos,
de cada vez que me hacía reír
uno de tus chistes malos.
Me enamoré entre besos
caricias y experiencias
entre fantasías y
citas perfectas.
Me enamoré de tus hábitos
de tu falta de experiencia
con situaciones malas.
De que no hubiera comparación.
Ya no es lo mismo
de lo que estoy enamorada.
Ya llegando a 7 años,
no son las mismas cosas.
Ahora me enamoré de que estuvieras
como nunca había estado un amor,
que nunca hicieras falta,
me enamoré de confiar en ti.
Me enamoré de la resiliencia
de alguien que está dispuesto
a dejar ir por crecer
a quien tiene miedo
pero más miedo de no intentar.
Estoy enamorada de ti
que eres otro tú,
es el mismo amor,
pero es totalmente diferente.
No soporto las puertas que rechinan.
Me dan una inseguridad total. No quiero que me escuchen entrar ni salir, ni interrumpir lo que pasa al otro lado. No quiero que sepan si estoy despierta. No me gusta cuando una puerta anuncia mi llegada, entrada o salida.
He aceitado todas las puertas en donde me he quedado a dormir.
A veces no hay aceite, he usado aceite en spray, jabón, incluso una vez usé crema de manos para engrasar la puerta de un salón de clases.
Nobody seems to notice.
All the fucking squeeks.
This isn't hard for me
Llevo haciéndolo toda la vida
Mixing between the two
E Inglés
Just what I'm used to:
Enfadar puristas.
It's easier for me
Diferenciar entre ellos
When it's love, it's English
Sin cuestionarlo.
Cuando es personal
And it hurts to a point
De disociarlo
Es en español.
No sé por qué
I've talked about it in therapy.
El cerebro se divide chistoso.
is precisely the word I struggle with
Porque no es chistoso
How sometimes things are
Pero así lo digo
Which nobody actually finds funny
They find it
Me da miedo cuando desconecto un cable, que de alguna manera siga cargado de electricidad y me de toques, entonces siempre los toco con la pared o el piso para que me salven.
Me dan miedo los malos del Zelda y los jumpscares de las películas, me da miedo quedarme sin dinero y me da miedo que se descompongan las cosas caras.
Me dan miedo las plagas y los tsunamis.
Y todas las cosas sobre las que no tengo control.
Me da miedo lo fácil que me hago compulsiones.
Me da miedo que se muera la gente que quiero antes de morirme yo. O que les pase algo malo.
Me da miedo que se den cuenta que no sé lo que estoy haciendo, pero me da más miedo que no se den, porque significa que hay otra gente como yo.
Me da miedo esta pandemia.
Me dan miedo los cambios inesperados e inevitables.
Me da miedo que mi mamá todavía podría tener hijos.
Me da miedo cuando no encuentro a los gatos en la casa.
Cuando pierdo cosas que no son mías y cuando no sé qué es lo correcto.
También me da miedo la gente cuando entra en pánico.
Me dan miedo las armas de fuego.
Me dan miedo los hombres desconocidos cuando voy sola en la calle.
Me da miedo que se queme la casa y que le pase algo malo a mis alumnos.
Me dan miedo los ataques de ansiedad y que un día ya no me quieras.
En mi libro favorito de Neil Gaiman, American Gods (no he visto la serie, don't start), está esta cita que perfectamente resume mis pensamientos acerca de las teorías conspirativas.
I can believe things that are true and things that aren't true and I can believe things where nobody knows if they're true or not.
I can believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny and the Beatles and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis and Mister Ed. Listen - I believe that people are perfectable, that knowledge is infinite, that the world is run by secret banking cartels and is visited by aliens on a regular basis, nice ones that look like wrinkled lemurs and bad ones who mutilate cattle and want our water and our women.
I believe that the future sucks and I believe that the future rocks and I believe that one day White Buffalo Woman is going to come back and kick everyone's ass. I believe that all men are just overgrown boys with deep problems communicating and that the decline in good sex in America is coincident with the decline in drive-in movie theaters from state to state.
I believe that all politicians are unprincipled crooks and I still believe that they are better than the alternative. I believe that California is going to sink into the sea when the big one comes, while Florida is going to dissolve into madness and alligators and toxic waste.
I believe that antibacterial soap is destroying our resistance to dirt and disease so that one day we'll all be wiped out by the common cold like martians in War of the Worlds.
I believe that the greatest poets of the last century were Edith Sitwell and Don Marquis, that jade is dried dragon sperm, and that thousands of years ago in a former life I was a one-armed Siberian shaman.
I believe that mankind's destiny lies in the stars. I believe that candy really did taste better when I was a kid, that it's aerodynamically impossible for a bumble bee to fly, that light is a wave and a particle, that there's a cat in a box somewhere who's alive and dead at the same time (although if they don't ever open the box to feed it it'll eventually just be two different kinds of dead), and that there are stars in the universe billions of years older than the universe itself.
I believe in a personal god who cares about me and worries and oversees everything I do. I believe in an impersonal god who set the universe in motion and went off to hang with her girlfriends and doesn't even know that I'm alive. I believe in an empty and godless universe of causal chaos, background noise, and sheer blind luck.
I believe that anyone who says sex is overrated just hasn't done it properly. I believe that anyone who claims to know what's going on will lie about the little things too.
I believe in absolute honesty and sensible social lies. I believe in a woman's right to choose, a baby's right to live, that while all human life is sacred there's nothing wrong with the death penalty if you can trust the legal system implicitly, and that no one but a moron would ever trust the legal system.
I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.
Pero mi favorita siempre va a ser la de Avril Lavigne reemplazada.
Y mi respuesta favorita es esa vez que un wey dijo a Buzz Aldrin viejito que el alunizaje fue mentira y el ruquito le metió un putazote.
Y mi respuesta favorita es esa vez que un wey dijo a Buzz Aldrin viejito que el alunizaje fue mentira y el ruquito le metió un putazote.
Me acuerdo perfecto.
La primera vez y estaba destruída.
Sí lloré, pero fue más de impotencia y enojo.
Y me lo traté de guardar cabrón pero ya saben como siempre
se me desbordan los sentimientos. No aguanto nada.
Estaba muy contenta con ustedes.
Estaba muy enojada con él.
Hicieron muchos chistes buena onda.
Me sentía escuchada, libre, por primera vez entendí cuando
la gente dice que los amigos son la familia que escoges.
Ustedes me escogieron a mí.
Siento que mis amigos son como cuando aprendí a nadar
y mi abuelo me decía que si alguien se estaba ahogando
para sacar su cabeza a la superficie y que no te jalen
hacia abajo a ti, los tienes que agarrar a veces del pelo,
y levantarles sólo la cabeza mientras sigues pataleando.
Así me sacaron ustedes.
De las greñas hacia arriba.
La primera vez que me llevaron a tomar
y que me pusieron un vaso de whiskey barato rebajado con
ginger ale y me supo a gloria. Y a madera. Y a esperanza.
A que había gente para mí.
A que sí me querían bien.
También fue la primera vez que me escogieron de familia.
(As per usual I'm late.)
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Datos personales

- Loretta R. M.
- Tomo mucho café y no consumo alimentos de origen animal. Sí me gustan las aceitunas.
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