
I'm writing from a place in the future where I don't finish things in time and where I'm still inside.
I've always been a homebody. I like inside. I like my house though I hate my house because it doesn't look as aesthetically pleasing as I would like. It never does. It's never how I picture it. It always has all this wasted potential. Despite this, I like my places.
I like having my little nooks and crannys where I can feel safe. Where I can sleep and read and miss other things. On behalf of my spaces, I try to make them comfortable. Places I don't mind.
In this time that we've had inside I have stared at corners picturing what can I do that costs no money and doesn't involve leaving the house.
If I had unlimitted resources I would spend them all on the house and it still wouldn't be quite right.
I like inside, though.

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